Tuesday 14 May 2013

Hair Growth Tips

I've decided to do a post on hair growth as I've found out first hand how hair loss can affect someone's confidence and I've tried several methods to grow my hair quicker and tricks to make it look thicker. The photo above is the only picture I can find of me when my hair loss was at it's peak. (I hated photos at the time as you can imagine.) As you can see it's really thin around the front but at the back it was so short, I absoloutely hated it.

The reason for my hair loss might surprise some of you. It was due to my pregnancy. Before I got pregnant I had no idea that after you give birth there is a high chance of hair loss so when I started pulling out clumps in the shower a couple of months after I had my son Alfie, it came as a shock. To make matters worse I had my long hair cut into a bob while I was pregnant but if I'd had known this was going to happen I would have kept it long. I spent ages on google finding out why this was happening and what I could do to try and control it. Basically during pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing stage of hair. There are fewer hairs in the resting stage and fewer falling out each day, so you have thicker hair.

After you give birth, your estrogen levels take a tumble and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting stage. So the hair that didn't fall out while pregnant, starts falling out after you give birth. This can affect some women more than others and I was one of the unlucky ones. There are loads of other reasons for hair loss too and like me you're looking desperately for a soloution. Here is some of my best tips:

Lee Stafford Hair Growth Treatment - £7.99 at Boots


I can't recommend this stuff enough. You just have to look at the reviews on the Boots website to see that this product works. I've used it for a few months now and not only has my hair grown faster, it is also in much better condition. It smells lovely and it's often on a 3 for 2 offer at Boots which makes it even more of a bargain. Even when my hair is long I'll continue using this, I love it that much. When I bleached my hair a while back I resembled a scarecrow. This saved the day and my hair is so much softer. At first I thought the hair growth claim could be a gimmick but I totally believe this does what it says on the tin after using it. 

Biotin Maximum Strength - £10.49 at Amazon

 I've been taking Biotin along with the hair growth treatment and I think the combination really works for me. My hair is now past my shoulders, is thicker and the root regrowth looks healthy and shiny. This could be down to either or both of these products, I'll never really know, but it's working for me so I'll keep taking them. It's a water-soluble B-complex vitamin necessary for cell growth and the production and metabolism of fat into amino acids. It also makes nails grow stronger so that's another perk I'm enjoying too.

Olive oil treatment

I use regular olive oil as a hair treatment now and again to make it shinier and healthier. Healthier hair then grows better. I just heat it in microwave for 30 seconds, apply it to my hair then put a shower cap over it for about a half an hour to an hour depending on how dry your hair is. You could even keep it on overnight for an intense moisture treatment.

Foods that promote hair growth

Oily fish, eggs and walnuts are all great foods to promote healthy hair.

General Hair Care

Try not to wash your hair every day as it strips natural oils that keep it healthy. Try to avoid blow drying your hair. If you use styling products make sure you use a good heat protection spray. Last but not least massaging the scalp stimulates the follicles so do it when applying the hair growth treatment and whenever you get a spare 5 minutes.

Samy Fat hair amplifying Hairspray

Samy Fat Hair Amplifying Hairspray 300ml
This is the best hairspray I've found to plump up the hair and make it look thicker. It smells nice too but don't spray too much or it can get sticky. The links for all these products are in the names.

I hope these tips help someone and thanks for reading. I'm hoping one day soon my hair grows back to how it used to be. I sometimes look at this old pic and wonder what I was ever thinking cutting my hair short.  Come back long hair, come back! x

1 comment:

  1. Great post and tips hun! I will definitely get the Lee Stanford Treatment, it sounds amazing! :))

    I am running an International Giveaway on my blog now, and I'd love it if you enter for the chance to win some YSL, Chanel and Essie products! <3

